Showing posts with label Nintendos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nintendos. Show all posts

Saturday, March 21, 2015

I say, Play the Day Away

A kite in free flight, making that happy-flappy sound;
a whirling troop of hula hoops that circle all around,
It's always great to skate, throwing tangerine peels on the ground,
fun races to run around and secret places that will never be found,
all safely hidden in plain sight, just right in the bright outside.

Your nifty Nintendo’s and Hot Cheetos and Spicy Nacho Doritos-
Why the Fi? There’s Stations to Play, I know
X marks the box and aliens to blow-
up a tree? But, you remind me, you have the Wii
to play all sorts of sports and even ski,
right at your fingertips just look at those effortless flips.

Outside where rainbows and sneezes,
show-up, grow-up and blow-up when each randomly pleases.
There's no lags or glitches nor zombies or witches,
no reset, high-score, joysticks, toggles nor switches.
The outdoors is always booted up with no boring buffering,
freezing or crashing, while you sit inside impatiently suffering.

Kids these days.  You should know that just outside that door,
there’s bonus maps, booby traps and endless upgrades galore.
Free tokens and , you can break and re-make all the rules.
Not those old silly dumb games found in schools, how lame!
Make-believe turning fairies into toads, or some girly game
wait-was that inside out, outside in-, err, I will re-begin.

This place you will see, is rated "E", that means Everyone.
Crack open the window, amazed you will be at the fun!
No two times played, no two quests are ever the same.
Every single day you can play, its level you'll never be able to beat,
especially digitally planted behind electronics on your seat.

There’s no need to pout when the electricity’s out,
if you venture outside you’ll find out,
no worries about rolling black-outs of doubt,
the greatest games you’ve never even heard about.

Image By Tangthm (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons, Oct. 2010.

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...