Showing posts with label Helio. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Helio. Show all posts

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Partly Moony

Do you ever notice the moon
still up
when the sun is out?

It's almost as if
we jumped ship
or planets rather...

Did you know that the planets are all considered to Be
“Heavenly Bodies"
-despite being Full and Round: Misshapen and Edgy?

Do you think la Luna is ever jealous
of our mesmerization and infatuation
in sunrises and sunsets: the ominous, important, Solar Eclipse?

(forgot to foretell) I wonder why don't we start at night
(dark abuzz) I wonder why not, awake from dark till dawn?
(too much fun) ‘cuz we'd all burn sleeping in the sun.

We seem to only care, predict, and talk small in our weathered way,
observing her minute phases, all around Helio's plans for the day,
our mandatory compliance-participation-with his lackadaisical display...

Where, O’ where are all the star-crossed
lovers of night, blind with delight
when the moon shines her loveglow, set on spotlight?

“Calling All Attention”
To those not paying attention
when comets wink and fall.

By now, you're waning in care
from obscure sliced crescent ideas
shadowy slivers of shy: you’ve watched these Anonymous nights go by…

Harvest or Blue: Blood or King,
Christened by a haloed ring.

Named the “Lunar Province of Mankind"
as recorded in old Hermetic nocturnal notes.

I noticed the moon in the afternoon stalling
like me, afraid of the dark, of Time,

rapt by the pull of the moon.

Incredible image of the full moon By Jon Sullivan [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...