Sunday, January 7, 2018

lying in the grass

It was just a dream, but I woke up wondering
if I will ever again meet the dapper demon...
who offers a choice to become blind forever
or deaf to only my own voice-
much like the migrating fish in the Lethe...
up or downstream doesn’t change the course.
I remembered saying that I’d rather never
see brand new green or the sad sky again-
I would just try to feel them touching me
from now on, without sight
I might believe in conductivity 
through contact,
life, this body... 
And assuredly, others will certainly appear
more clearly to me.

But the handsome hellion in the dream
misheard the choice, 
or chose otherwise on my behalf,
and my kaleidoscope eyes kept confusing 
up and down, 
feeling my feet in the bluegrass, 
facing the limelight. 

Painting by Albert Joseph Moore [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

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