Friday, July 21, 2017

All complementarities aside

We tapped into the human genome
And are now mapping the brain
But you know we won't find love there either.
They scared us with the hole in the atmosphere,
Cosmic rays, acid rain. They tried terror
By burning down the forest before the cure
For cancer was cultivated.
The ice melts and minerals reinfuse themselves
Ionically with purpose, freeing radicals to cleanse
Then this standard A brain met a utilitarian snaggle-
What’s it for? What about changes?
Yeah, the gold was soft after all.
There was common wetware
And we always knew how copper conducted itself
Generous with friction and actions without touch.
Entangled in the overhead wires,
Thought is under webs, like lines that meant complex
Life that we thought
we could emulate all the folds and it would comfort us
knowing love was no there to be found
nestled in tight corners and, residing
rather closer to a paradox between intelligent design
and first thought or dream.

Image credit By Smithsonian Institution from United States [No restrictions], via Wikimedia Commons.
Info via Wikimedia- Chandra telescope x-ray (2005)
"The Chandra image shows a bubble of hot gaseous supernova debris (green and red) inside a more rapidly moving shell of extremely high-energy electrons (blue). These features were created as the supersonic expansion of the debris into interstellar gas produced two shock waves - one that moves outward and accelerates particles to high energies, and another that moves backward and heats the stellar debris. The relative expansion speeds of the hot debris and the high-energy shell indicate that a large fraction of the energy of the outward-moving shock wave is going into the acceleration of atomic nuclei to extremely high energies. This finding strengthens the case that supernova shock waves are an important source of cosmic rays - high-energy nuclei which constantly bombard Earth"

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