Thursday, June 8, 2017

Caught in a (w)rec(k)tangle

When the house becomes too small to move-
Say-the mind a sliver, the air stagnates,
Move, make ninety degrees and push
yourself in the corner as close as you can
                                                    and wait,
settle eventually
                                      into splitting sides.

The edges are solid suggestions.
Only like (a)new angle,                thirty-three
vertebrae stacked spines of letters in cantos
                        Will line up to form new rays,
circular thoughts that roll off to escape
nodes or intersects by a(n)arrow marginality.

Letterally, let us build this thing out
with meaning and not caulk it up impermeable
Around the double pane windows
Only to trap commas in between
Breath and rain
Between escape and containment
We will just
stay in place and listen
Accepting the sentence
as the last line
Insight. May be make more
empty dwelling spaces
To call a place
None like Home. 

Painting by Michiel Sweerts [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

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