Saturday, June 25, 2016

Escher the MC

From up here
you can tell where you are
by referencing a point
from the angles and eaves,
the director boomed in-
action, following my line
Alice watches her head
so she misses the low
hang-over and re-echoes
shown here as shadows
shaking in the corners.

It's all the same, anywhere
you begin, there is no easy out.

Canvas the scene, he challenges
placement and position for Pandora
in an artists annex, up in the Atticus
where the finches have nested,
the view is the same slanted
song with its linear lyrics,
stacked and overlapping
shingles, evermans jingles
trading timberline
for roofscapes
envisioned as eternity.

It's all the same anyway
you look at it.

Photo by Danilo Škofič, taken 2/10/1961 [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

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