Thursday, May 26, 2016

It fits perfect (Haiku)

Sacrifice is not
a gift
        everyone can have
-Some wear it better.

Image of painting by Frederic Leighton [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

The Legend of They (Hi-Q)

What if the story
was not about us and them
would we still listen?

Image of painting by Elizabeth Forbes [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.


They say scientists can measure the size
of your ego, subjectively-
no, those are psychologists.
And any ists must
be a man on a strand of islands,
native sons, volcano-goddesses,
and elders.
I landed on
a nerve when I said-
Big Head-
Foot in Mouth-
carry the heaviest
chips on shoulders.
Boulders become,
After consulting
the geologists who insists
on layers, and pressure, and ex-
traneous circumplants, inoculants,
and evidently
seeking likeness in narcissists,
all is sorted out.
This is when florists are best.

Image of painting by Hieronymus Bosch, 1485. 

Little big things add up

You count the ants,
I will count the stars
The sheeple will graze in between.

The sun will highlight
optical illusions,
as color-wheel real.
The moon casts shadows
on our little delusions,
fear reigns supreme
in dream.

Our being
while pointing to a view
too minute to see audibly
too vast for me
to grasp without the imaginary,
makes dreams with my reality.

Image credit Popular Science Monthly V. 29 (1886), thru telescope image via Wikimedia Commons.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

DaVinci DeCoded

My mind froze-muscle stuck
on the sleek he-lo cruising low
along the coast-line,
just over my head
of interrupting-
cutting in
with bladed arms,
it was a welcome drum-roll.

And I could clearly see in-
side, which is precisely when
you can begin
to see its very ideas-drive
thoughts and
over-all direction-
(me) atop up there
as I stare at it

With every intention
of taking me a-long...
Suspended, I was,
with my head
up in the clouds,
thinking a sinking feeling-
the theory is as true
as the sky is blue-
and we are all
just weighting.

Image via Wikimedia Commons, Leonardo Da Vinci-Helicopter. 

The value of a thoughtful penny

Few to none will tell me
the ultimate futility
of poetry
I already know
how few

Many people prefer a pretty penny
over poverty, and honestly, I see
and I confess, I do too-possess
a weakness for copper-colored
tokens of superfluous luck.

Wasting her life, living away-
not even a wife-
she has nothing to say
what is writing worth-anyway?

Stark raving mad
I was with an out-of-shape-will
ill-fit to my unforgiving form,
with my soul squeezing out
the loosely knit seams-
suicidal skill without
a word threaded to-gether

And whether given a choice
when you've known
what should you do
I ask this task
of justice too...

Just know it means nothing
of value
if one values no-thing
without copper coated

Image By Daniel Schwen (Own work) [Public domain or CC BY-SA 2.5 (], via Wikimedia Commons.

Saturday, May 21, 2016



   W   D            V       T     S     T     E       N    E           B    O
      I E                  A S             A   L              S  S              O O  -who-who
       D                     D                D                  D                 D
       I                       I                  I                    I                  I
       A                     A                A                   A                 A
       S                      S                 S                    S                  S
  EMILY          Baudelaire     ELIOT      (cummings)      POE
♠ ♠ ♠ ♠ ♠ ♠ ♠ ♠ ♠ ♠ ♠ ♠ ♠ ♠ ♠ ♠ ♠ ♠ ♠ ♠ ♠ ♠ ♠ ♠ ♠ ♠ ♠ ♠ ♠ ♠ ♠ 
Neruda questions
Paz professes
Rilke imagines
HD colors
Stein figured
Shelley ran
Wordsworth worked
Thoreau thought
Emerson opined
Whitman boasts
Frost argued
Longfellow leisured
Blake preached
Byron proposed
Shelley ran
O’Hara: Played
Cage: instrument
Ginsberg yowled ♪♪♪
William Williams Pictured Pictures
Millay maybe musing
                    Dante day dreamt
Shakespeare-Oh Deare!

Anonymous says the Truth
You & I=We Listen

Image By Julie Geiger [CC0 or CC0], via Wikimedia Commons.

Tres (trace)

Water Today, warm raindrops glass blurs, the blurry glassy, sharp sparkles sugar. Behind Evening, it was good. Leaves all turned into shadow...