Saturday, June 8, 2024


Both rules and laws can be broken

So what is the cause

And effect, re-

action to the action of say words like

Karma, luck, Fate,

and due course or so

It should follow, anywhichway

eyes for eyes and

Crossed Tees

The beginning, middle and

End of give and take

Or not thin lines like justice

Is it transactional

Back scratching and barter

What is fair trade when values

Are bendable

What can never be dependable

As a cause caused by

A butterfly swooping some

where when why was what

Made meaning.

TITLE: Friendship love and truth

CALL NUMBER: PGA - Currier & Ives--Friendship love and truth (A size) [P&P]

REPRODUCTION NUMBER: LC-USZC2-2373 (color film copy slide)

MEDIUM: 1 print : lithograph, hand-colored.

CREATED/PUBLISHED: New York : Published by Currier & Ives, c1874.

CREATOR: Currier & Ives.Source Wikimedia Commons, in Public Domain. 


It was the Place

I fell madly in love with

Not him, not the time.

It was always

That Place, all the time,

Lips raw from kissing her

Broad-shouldered salty shorelines

Lapping up

Barbeque sun and metallic rain storms


The tourist ebb and flow,

Hats, cameras, new sandals,

coconut oil and seaweed

Wet sandstone and dripping agave

Too numerous to name such


Looking back

Only hurts my neck

Nothing is the same

The tower crumbled

Bright as the days that were

Electric storms that were not

Sunshine and Roses

As most memories


Buried in the sand

Toes and shells, glass and seaweed

Never and forever


Photo by me, 'Monsters house from goon' taken 11/12/2016.

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...